Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Random Photos
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Moved Out!!!
I moved in with Marissa Hyer. Don't worry I asked around and she is perfectly normal. She does not wear face masks around or gloves to touch things. So I should be safe.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Race T-Shirt Quilt
But here it is:
Monday, November 21, 2011
- My mom
- My family - I can't get enough of them.
- Church
- Temples
- School
- Friends
- Running
- Free place to live
- Heat
- A job
- Shoes/Purses
- Reality TV
- Diet Coke
- Spray on Butter
- Skittles
- Dessert Gum
- Teachers
- Pajamas
Sunday, October 2, 2011
St. George Marathon!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Torrential Rain + Hail + 26.2 Miles = 3:52 Logan Marathon
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
First Day of School

Monday, August 15, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Quitting, New Job and Grad School
Monday, August 1, 2011
Marathons this Fall
Then I am going to run the St. George Marathon with Brittany and her mom.
I haven't run either of these marathons so I am excited for some new terrain.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
29 Years Old!!

- Moved back to Utah.
- Moved in with parents at yes 29 years old - My first week home I met a guy who thought this was the death of me and couldn't believe it. Let's just say I don't eat at the Garage anymore.
- Will start Grad School for Elementary Education - Yes, I understand I wont be able to shop anymore.
- Started attending a new ward where the average age is 20 - I have become the spinster that I always thought needed to get a life. I am not considering being a Cougar at this time.
- Started biking with Jason up Emigration - I am officially not the best at everything he kicks my butt every time I ride with him.
- Realized I need to get out of my comfort zone to meet new people - Tried this week by running with a girl in my ward. I am slow but not that slow.
- Been set up on a lot of dates - Whether it was for 54 minutes of a painful dinner with someone who came to my shoulders or a run talking about ex-wives there is not a lot of options out there.
- Going to run St. George Marathon - Hopefully will be one of my better times.
- Started wearing my hair curly - Who would have known I had curl.
Thats all I got for now.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Carbs and Sugar
Monday, June 13, 2011
NASCAR and San Fran
Mom Turn's 60!!!
- Decorated soda cans
- Matching t-shirts
- Playing cards
- Popcorn jars and bowls
- Photo boards
- Matching towels with our name on it
- Dip bowls (my mom loves dips)
- M&Ms with my moms face on it
- Customized golf balls
It was a fun weekend. I am so lucky to have a great parents, siblings, in-laws, and nieces and nephews. I love them all so much and love hanging out with them.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Howdy Partner

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Life is so Confusing
- Interaction with people (not just my computer)
- Working with kids
- Summer offs/winter break
- Make a difference in someones live (hopefully)
- Going back to school
- Pay cut
- Student debt
- Moving home
- No more purses :(
I wish someone would just tell me what to do. It would make my life so much easier. I guess all I can do is trust that I will make the right decision. I have to do what is best for me and not what others think I should I do. Wish me luck!!!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
My list
- Must be active (they don't need to run marathons but need to be able to do activities without getting winded)
- Have to be taller than 5'9"
- Have to weigh more than me
- Has to have a job or goals to how they are going to get one
- Has to love my family, cause lets be honest I am a little obsessed with them
- Good teeth (its a hygiene thing for me)
- Has to worship me ;)
- Has to let me sing, dance and be corky
My list doesn't seem so unrealistic. I am have given up somethings like:
- Makes millions
- Looks like Ryan Reynolds
- Can run marathons
- Drives a super nice car
- Can cook (I am fine with cereal)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The Gym
- Scott - He was in Utah. He started giving me free personal training sessions. Which of course I was going to take. It wasn't until his pregnant girlfriend came in and he started inviting me to go to dinner that I realized this is not a good situation.
- Rich - I actually went out with this boy. He was friends of friends so I figured he might be a good guy.
- Darius - Was two times my size in muscle weight. Having a neck bigger than my thigh is not attractive. I do have to admit I did give him my number and we did text but I ended it there.
- Melvin - Was a personal trainer at the gym and could have been my father. When he asked me to go to dinner I almost fainted. Does he not realize the age difference?
- Bob - He was just as old as Melvin. He had his own airplane and invited me to Florida. I was lucky I changed gyms so I got out of that one.
- Brian - He is the most recent, he lives in my complex. He tried to use the mail lady to get my number but I told her we are not in HS anymore. He did finally talk to me and I choked. I don't have any game.
The moral of the story is the gym is indeed a creepy place. I just want to go and mind my own business. I smile at people so they don't think I am going to throw up on the machine, I am not doing it to flirt. Why cannot a boy outside of the gym like me. Ugh!!!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Foot Binding

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
My Favorite Things
- Coconut Frosting Lip Gloss by Philosophy - It makes me want to eat my lips
- Marc by Marc Jacob purses - Nothing is better than a good purse
- HOBO wallets - Big enough to hold everything you need
- Lucky Charms - Who wouldn't love a cereal with marshmallows
- iPhone games - Has entertained for hours on end
- Nike Frees - They have made me realize I have different muscles when running
- Body Pump classes - Who needs a trainer when you have this class
- Salted Caramels - A little sweet and a little sugar make the perfect combination
- Small crunchy ice - Makes any drink taste better
- iPhone Movies - I have become the best movie maker and I learned I can sing
- Brothers and Sisters - Best drama on tv right now
- Kindle - I haven't technically gotten mine yet, but I know I will love it
That is about it for now.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
2010 in Review
- Was the Top Performer at my company (only two of us exceeded our quotas)
- Went to Costa Rica - Met Gustavo ;)
- Moved to Arlington, VA
- Went to Boston, Dallas, New York City, LA, Atlanta, Duck Beach, New Jersey and of course I went to Utah
- Realized Williamsburg is not as cool as the American Girl doll magazine makes it
- Went to an NFL Game
- Said goodbye to Oprah's Show
I guess my year was not super eventful but it was good. I am super excited what 2011 holds. I can feel it is going to be lucky.