Monday, June 13, 2011

NASCAR and San Fran

This past weekend I went to NASCAR. I went with Phil Townsend. Who I met through Brittany. I had only hungout with him two times before this trip. So I was super nervous of how it was going to go. I am an awkward person so I was not sure how this was all going to go. I was in DC for work so I met him in San Fransisco. On Saturday I met him around 11. I had spent the night before with my friend Kristine and being the psycho girl I am wanted to get a run in before I ate bad for the weekend. Little did I know that was not going to be the case. I met him in the park with his married friends whose house we would be staying at. They were as vintage as they come. They could be the spokersperson for hipsters. In fact Derrick even works for Apple. I was so out of place in my pink cardigan. We first went on a hike to a look out of the city and then they were like we have another look out we want to show you, so we went on another hike. We were going to go to a roller derby in Santa Cruz so we decided to head over there early and go to the beach. I had gone here the day before with Kristine. Derrick and Rebecca wanted to go to vintage shops so they dropped us off. The boardwalk made me think that I was on the Jersey Shore. I saw more tattoos and leopard prints. After the beach instead of going to get something to eat like normal people we went to the roller derby. I am an eater and had not eaten since 7 am, so I was starving. But just went with the flow. The roller derby was funny, those girls are super tough. It finally ended and we ate dinner at 9. I am a girl who eats at 5, my stomach was so hungry that I couldn't even eat very much. On Sunday morning we woke up and ate some Strawberries and then headed off to NASCAR. It was two hours away. Of course it was so hot and I went away with major farmer tans. I think to be a true NASCAR fan you have to be 300 pounds, smoke and be willing to wear a bathing suit in public. Needless to say this weekend was full of being out of place. I wanted number 14 to win the race but he crashed. So didn't finish the race. After the race instead of going to get something to eat. Rebecca and Derrick decided to walk the track. In my mind I was dying these people never just stop going. Phil and I just sat and waited for them to walk the track that took them 1.5 hours. Instead of getting dinner after the race we went on a hike to Muir Woods. I was dying once again. These people don't eat and love to go on hike/walks. Finally the park closed at 8 and I was jumping for joy inside thinking we would eat. Nope, I was wrong we went to yet another lookout point and hiked to see the city. Finally at 10 we ate. Yep I said 10 o'clock. Who would have thought I would lose weight on a trip to San Fran. On Monday morning Phil and I began our long trip home. As soon as we got in the car he said these people never stop and eat. It made me feel so much better that I was not alone. I am going to start keeping granola bars in my purse so that I have a back up. He has a convertible so we had the top down. I got yet another major farmer tan. And by the end of the car ride I couldn't brush my hair. I had to douse it in conditioner to brush it. Phil saw the best side of me. We decided we wanted to see Lake Tahoe so we took a side trip and went and saw the lake. It was so pretty. and worth going to see. We also made about 15 other stops including Bonnie and Clydes car. At 11 pm we rolled into SLC ending our long car ride. Who knows if I will ever go out with Phil again but it was a fun weekend.

1 comment:

  1. haha, that is awesome!!! i didn't realize you were meeting up with derek and rebecca, too! so funny. i hope you ate plenty when you got home!
