I am 28 years old and I have never gotten a stamp on my passport. It gives me anxiety to use my vacation days for anything but going home to Utah. This year I made it my goal to get past this OCD moment and book a vacation. Rachael and I have booked a vacation to go to Costa Rica and we leave in 5 days. I alloted her 4 days, we are using Labor Day so I don't have to use a full week. In fact I think it gives me ulcers thinking about it.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Last Beach Trip
I think every other person who lives on the East Coast had the same idea of going to the beach. I have never seen so many people at the beach. You could not even see the ocean when you were sitting down because of all the people. The water was perfect not too hot and not too cold. The waves killed us. The undertow would suck you in and when you think you were in the clear the wave would suck you in and take you out. War wounds (or some would call paper cuts) were made from hitting the ground so hard from the waves. I had so much sand in the my bathing suit. The sand in Delaware has lots of big pebbles which made it even more fun to get the sand out.
On our way home we stopped at Sonic Drive-In. This is considered a treat for East Coasters. We don't have them in DC so when we see one we always stop. The ice and slushies are just too good to resist. Its funny cause when I lived in SLC I did not really go to Sonic. I guess when you don't have something you appreciate it more. We did make one other stop on the ride home. The outlet mall. Who can pass up a good deal on a J-Crew Cardigan. We all ended up getting the same ruffle button down which was a super deal.
Our last weekend of Summer turned out to be a great one. Thanks guys for a great day!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
County Fairs
I have officially been to a County Fair for the past four weekends. Each time I had a different experience. Here are a few things I have learned:
- 4-H Fair - If there is 4-H in the title of the fair. Do not go to this type of fair. It means it is small and run by kids. You will see way too many animals that will end up on your plate one day.
- Funnel Cake - Are delicious. Anything fried is good but then when you add powder sugar it makes it even better. You cannot go wrong. They are super messy and could end up with powder sugar everywhere but so worth it.
- Rodeo - Cowboys are hot. Something about a man being able to ride a bull and tackle a cow is intriguing. I don't want to talk to any of these guys because it might ruin it all. But for now I will enjoy from a far.
- Demolition Derby - This was awesome. Cars ramming other cars as many times as they could. Even when the cars looked they were dead and had no hope they would come alive and ram another car.
- Rides - These are not safe. The fact that they can put these up/down in one day is scary. Trying to be a good sport I went on one of these and I honestly thought I was going to die. Nothing about twirling and going vertical is fun to me. I had to close my eyes most of the time so I didn't realize what was happening to me.
- Fair Visitors - Not the typical people I hangout with go to County Fairs. There were so many fashion do/don'ts that I don't even know where to begin. What I don't get it how they can afford to go to this. It costs $10 to get in $25 for rides and then another $20 for food.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Favorite Foods
I know I am too old to eat the way I eat but in my mind I am a ten year old little girl. When I go to the grocery store I always am a little embarrassed to check out. The checker has to wonder if I have kids or maybe thinks I am a young college kid who cannot afford real food. But neither is the case I just like junk food. Here are my favorite things right now:

I recently went to Nashville with my friend Brittany. We did everything that people say to do: Country Hall Music Hall of Fame, Country Concert, Cheekwood, Pantheon and the Grand Ole Pry.
I was unimpressed with the Grand Ole Opry it was nothing but an old building that wasn't even cool looking. Nothing about it looked like great architecture. How could all of my favorite country stars perform in such a bland building? It would be like Oprah having her show at Olympus High School. It reminded me of when I went to see the Alamo in San Antonio. In my mind I would have to take the bus to some exotic land to see it. Pee Wee Herman made it look so much more exciting. But then when I asked the concierge at my hotel how to get there he said it was right across the street. My face had to of been priceless I thought he had to of been mistaken to what I asked for. But yep the Alamo is in the middle of downtown San Antonio.
Remind me to never believe what I hear on TV. Some places people tell you about are just not that cool.
Body Pump
Back in April my sister Rachael came to visit me. She was looking at my fridge and saw my gym class schedule and noticed that we had Body Pump. She decided we should go. I am a very active gym goer but classes absolutely freak me out. In my head I think that they will kick my butt and I won't be able to keep up. I can run marathons but for some reason a high energy class seems to keep me away. I think I am afraid of someone being more chipper than me. And not only was Body Pump a class but it involved weights. And lets be honest I do 15 minutes in the weight room and call it a day. I finally gave into my sister and went. I practically had no weights on my bar and was exhausted by the end. I took lots of breaks.
Since then I have become hooked. I think every gym should have Body Pump. I don't know how I am in my mid-late-twenties and not have known about this secret.
I recommend this class to everyone.
Blog Stalking
My name is Katelyn and I am a Blog Stalker. This is the reason it has taken me so long to give into the blogging world. I am addicted to reading people's blogs. It amazes me how I can click on one blog and before you know it I am reading some random person's blog. I have started seeing people and have to question if I know them or have just read their blog. I know its creepy but I am completely addicted.
So here is the beginning to my blog, I don't promise that it will be interesting to read but it will be full of things that I find amusing or adventures that I do.
tatata for now
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